Posts from Spokane, Washington

Read the Docs newsletter - September 2023

🚀 We started testing a new flyout menu as part of our beta test for documentation addons. The beta test is currently limited to projects using the build.commands configuration key.

🛣️ We continue to have a number deprecations in progress. We announced this month deprecations of installing using system packages, the configuration key build.image, and installation of pinned versions of Sphinx and MkDocs. Keep an eye on your email for any deprecation notifications, as we will continue to notify maintainers of projects that might be impacted.

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Build errors with docutils 0.18

Starting about a week ago, some users started reporting new errors with their project builds. In most cases, these errors appeared out of nowhere and are usually rather cryptic errors referencing Sphinx and docutils.

So, what is happening?

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